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Elena Guaccero attended Liceo Scientifico (science-orientated upper school) in Florence, after which she moved to Rome to study at the Faculty of Architecture where her professors included Marcello Piacentini, Saverio Muratori and Ludovico Quaroni (the latter contributed to the urban plan for Bari). Guaccero graduated in 1954, and in 1959, one of her most important buildings was opened: the Palazzo della Rai, Bari, also known as the ‘Building of a Hundred Windows’. Her other works, all of which were residential buildings, were built before 1960, after which she moved to Germany with her husband. Projects include:

  • The design of a residential block in Piazza Roma, Bari (1,800 m2);
  • Two projects designed with Mangini for a residential block in Rione Picone:
  • Residential block in Poggione Franco, Bari
  • Residential block in Via Dalmazia, Bari (approx. 3,000 m2)
  • Two houses in Via del Collettore and Via Apulia, Bari (approx. 1,800 m2)

See also Palazzo della Rai, Bari

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